Company taxation (all forms of organisation)

  1. Advice on all ongoing tax issues / individual tax planning
  2. Legal advice on income tax and social security
  3. VAT advice
  4. Tax due diligence / evaluation for tax purposes of the purchase and sale of companies
  5. Tax advice on restructuring and reorganisation (mergers, de-mergers, changing the form of the organisation, realisation)
  6. Organisation of legal form from a tax point of view and tax burden comparison
  7. Advice on management shareholding models (MBO, MBI). Support with privatisation plans of public authorities
  8. Structuring of shareholdings of cities

Private taxation

  1. Advice in all ongoing tax issues / individual tax planning
  2. Tax advice and evaluation of prenuptial agreements
  3. Tax advice and evaluation of company agreements
  4. Advice on management shareholding models (MBO, MBI)

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